‘I never in a million years woulda thought that it would be our family to have to suffer from this’ — The family of Marvin Scott III is speaking out about their unimaginable loss after the 26-year-old died in police custody on March 14, 2021.
‘Their resilience is our resilience. Their survival is our survival.’ — The Quapaw Nation is fighting to heal its land, people, and culture by returning buffalo to their tribal lands
Approximately 23,000 Shia Muslims have been killed in Pakistan since 1963 over their beliefs, and the violence has no end in sight.
NowThis traveled to Pakistan to see firsthand how the country and the world have turned a blind eye.
'For 500 years they've tried to kill us off, and for 500 years we keep coming back.' — These activists are trying to make 2018 the year Native Americans change an election
The healthcare of millions is at stake in November 2018.